Travel Guide Indonesia

Travel Guide Indonesia
Bali - Indonesia

Selasa, 25 Agustus 2009

Simpati Untuk WS Rendra, Burung Paling Terkenal di Indonesia

Apakah anda pecinta dan pemelihara Burung?

Bagi para pecinta satwa ini pastilah tahu bahwa hewan yang umunya pandai berkicau ini tidak begitu sulit untuk dipelihara.

tahukah anda bahwa burung yang paling terkenal di Indonesia, baru saja diberitakan telah tiada.

Apa reaksi bangsa Indonesia atas meninggalnya burung tersebut? Sangat sangat berduka sedalam-dalamnya! Kita sangat kehilangan "sosok" yang menjadi kebanggan bangsa tersebut.

Tahukah Anda burung yang paling terkenal di Indonesia itu?

Inilah jawabnya.

Si Burung Merak Telah Tiada

WS Rendra, budayawan dan penyair ternama yang kerap dijuluki sebagai "Burung Merak", meninggal dunia dalam usia 74 tahun, pada Kamis (6/8) malam.

Kabar meninggalnya WS Rendra diperoleh melalui keterangan putrinya, Clara Shinta. Rendra, yang lahir di Solo 7 November 1935, wafat di kediaman putrinya itu yang terletak di Kompleks Perumahan Pesona Kayangan, Depok.

"Bapak meninggal sekitar pukul 20.30 WIB setelah sempat disuapi bubur dan dikasih minum," ungkap Clara.

Menurut penuturan Clara, yang juga dikenal sebagai artis sinetron, ayahnya memang tengah mengalami sakit komplikasi dan sempat dirawat di rumah sakit.

Hingga saat ini, belum ada informasi tentang rencana pemakaman Rendra. Namun, berdasarkan informasi, saat ini juga tengah dilakukan persiapan di Bengkel Teater, Citayam, Depok, untuk menyambut jenazah WS Rendra. (kompas)

Minggu, 23 Agustus 2009

Pulau Lombok

Pulau Lombok

Pulau Lombok (jumlah penduduk pada tahun 2001: 2.722.123 jiwa)
adalah sebuah pulau di kepulauan Sunda Kecil atau Nusa Tenggara yang terpisahkan oleh Selat Lombok dari Bali di sebelat barat dan Selat Alas di sebelah timur dari Sumbawa. Pulau ini kurang lebih berbentuk bulat dengan semacam "ekor" di sisi barat daya yang panjangnya kurang lebih 70 km. Luas pulau ini mencapai 5.435 km², menempatkannya pada peringkat 108 dari daftar pulau berdasarkan luasnya di dunia. Kota utama di pulau ini adalah Kota Mataram.


Selat Lombok menandai batas flora dan fauna Asia. Mulai dari pulau Lombok ke arah timur, flora dan fauna lebih menunjukkan kemiripan dengan flora dan fauna yang dijumpai di Australia daripada Asia. Ilmuwan yang pertama kali menyatakan hal ini adalah Alfred Russel Wallace, seorang Inggris di abad ke-19. Untuk menghormatinya maka batas ini disebut Garis Wallace.

Topografi pulau ini didominasi oleh gunung berapi Rinjani yang ketinggiannya mencapai 3.726 meter di atas permukaan laut dan menjadikannya yang ketiga tertinggi di Indonesia. Gunung ini terakhir meletus pada bulan Juni-Juli 1994. Pada tahun 1997 kawasan gunung dan danau Segara Anak ditengahnya dinyatakan dilindungi oleh pemerintah. Daerah selatan pulau ini sebagian besar terdiri atas tanah subur yang dimanfaatkan untuk pertanian, komoditas yang biasanya ditanam di daerah ini antara lain jagung, padi, kopi, tembakau dan kapas.


Peta bahasa di pulau Lombok

Sekitar 80% penduduk pulau ini adalah suku Sasak, sebuah suku bangsa yang masih dekat dengan suku bangsa Bali, tetapi sebagian besar memeluk agama Islam. Sisa penduduk adalah orang Bali, Jawa, Tionghoa dan Arab.


Disamping bahasa Indonesia sebagai bahasa nasional, penduduk pulau Lombok (terutama suku Sasak), menggunakan bahasa Sasak sebagai bahasa utama dalam percakapan sehari-hari. Di seluruh Lombok sendiri bahasa Sasak dapat dijumpai dalam empat macam dialek yang berbeda yakni dialek Lombok utara , tengah, timur laut dan tenggara. Selain itu dengan banyaknya penduduk suku Bali yang berdiam di Lombok (sebagian besar berasal dari eks Kerajaan Karangasem), di beberapa tempat terutama di Lombok Barat dan Kotamadya Mataram dapat dijumpai perkampungan yang menggunakan bahasa Bali sebagai bahasa percakapan sehari-hari.


Sebagian besar penduduk pulau Lombok terutama suku Sasak menganut agama Islam. Agama kedua terbesar yang dianut di pulau ini adalah agama Hindu, yang dipeluk oleh para penduduk keturunan Bali yang berjumlah sekitar 15% dari seluruh populasi di sana. Penganut Kristen, Buddha dan agama lainnya juga dapat dijumpai, dan terutama dipeluk oleh para pendatang dari berbagai suku dan etnis yang bermukim di pulau ini.

Di Lombok Barat bagian utara, tepatnya di daerah Bayan, terutama di kalangan mereka yang berusia lanjut, masih dapat dijumpai para penganut aliran Islam Wetu Telu (waktu tiga). Tidak seperti umumnya penganut ajaran Islam yang melakukan shalat lima kali dalam sehari, para penganut ajaran ini mempraktikan shalat wajib hanya pada tiga waktu saja. Konon hal ini terjadi karena penyebar Islam saat itu mengajarkan Islam secara bertahap dan karena suatu hal tidak sempat menyempurnakan dakwahnya.


Bentuk lumbung padi khas pulau lombok

Menurut isi Babad Lombok, kerajaan tertua yang pernah berkuasa di pulau ini bernama Kerajaan Laeq (dalam bahasa sasak laeq berarti waktu lampau), namun sumber lain yakni Babad Suwung, menyatakan bahwa kerajaan tertua yang ada di Lombok adalah Kerajaan Suwung yang dibangun dan dipimpin oleh Raja Betara Indera. Kerajaan Suwung kemudian surut dan digantikan oleh Kerajaan Lombok. Pada abad ke-9 hingga abad ke-11 berdiri Kerajaan Sasak yang kemudian dikalahkan oleh salah satu kerajaan yang berasal dari Bali pada masa itu. Beberapa kerajaan lain yang pernah berdiri di pulau Lombok antara lain Pejanggik, Langko, Bayan, Sokong Samarkaton dan Selaparang.

Kerajaan Selaparang sendiri muncul pada dua periode yakni pada abad ke-13 dan abad ke-16. Kerajaan Selaparang pertama adalah kerajaan Hindu dan kekuasaannya berakhir dengan kedatangan ekspedisi Kerajaan Majapahit pada tahun 1357. Kerajaan Selaparang kedua adalah kerajaan Islam dan kekuasaannya berakhir pada tahun 1744 setelah ditaklukkan oleh gabungan pasukan Kerajaan Karangasem dari Bali dan Arya Banjar Getas yang merupakan keluarga kerajaan yang berkhianat terhadap Selaparang karena permasalahan dengan raja Selaparang. [2]. Pendudukan Bali ini memunculkan pengaruh kultur Bali yang kuat di sisi barat Lombok, seperti pada tarian serta peninggalan bangunan (misalnya Istana Cakranegara di Ampenan). Baru pada tahun 1894 Lombok terbebas dari pengaruh Karangasem akibat campur tangan Batavia (Hindia Belanda) yang masuk karena pemberontakan orang Sasak mengundang mereka datang. Namun demikian, Lombok kemudian berada di bawah kekuasaan Hindia Belanda secara langsung.

Masuknya Jepang (1942) membuat otomatis Lombok berada di bawah kendali pemerintah pendudukan Jepang wilayah timur. Seusai Perang Dunia II Lombok sempat berada di bawah Negara Indonesia Timur, sebelum kemudian pada tahun 1950 bergabung dengan Republik Indonesia.


Cidomo, alat transportasi tradisional di pulau lombok, sarana transportasi utama di daerah pedesaan

Lombok dalam banyak hal mirip dengan Bali, dan pada dasawarsa tahun 1990-an mulai dikenal wisatawan mancanegara. Namun dengan munculnya krisis moneter yang melanda Indonesia pada akhir tahun 1997 dan krisis-krisis lain yang menyertainya, potensi pariwisata agak terlantarkan. Lalu pada awal tahun 2000 terjadi kerusuhan antar-etnis dan antar agama di seluruh Lombok sehingga terjadi pengungsian besar-besaran kaum minoritas. Mereka terutama mengungsi ke pulau Bali. Namun selang beberapa lama kemudian situasi sudah menjadi kondusif dan mereka sudah kembali. Pada tahun 2007 sektor pariwisata adalah satu-satunya sektor di Lombok yang berkembang.

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Kamis, 04 Juni 2009

Komodo Island

Between Sumbawa and Flores, isolated by magnificent waves and strong currents, Komodo and Rinca Island is home to the dragons.

The largest carnivorous lizards in the world live here. The island is home to thousands of Komodo dragons. Known as ora, they grow to 3m in length, 100kg or more in weight, and feed on deer and goat.

From the port of Labuan Bajo in Flores, it takes about 2 hours to get to the national park. Activities include Dragon spotting, hiking, and snorkeling around the island.

Rangers are knowledgeable and you will easily find the dragons sun-bathing. Ask the rangers to take you to the nest.

Personally Rinca Island is a better alternative. . It has as many dragons as Komodo Island, but is nearer to Labuan Bajo.

Underwater beauty abounds, the reefs are international class. Tours start at the bustling little town of Labuan Bajo.

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Rabu, 03 Juni 2009


An Indonesian Spa offers a range of traditional treatments. Women believe in the healing power of touch. Indonesians love their weekly urut or massage. Spas in West Java , particularly Bandung are popular healing centres when matched with a course of herbal beverages.

Spas in Bali have all the bells and whistles but generally cost a little more at Seminyak or in the 5 star hotels.

Balines Boreh

An ancient spa treatment designed to protect you from colds and to strengthen your immune system. It is especially effective for fever, muscle aches and arthritis. The treatment begins with an aromatherapy footbath. A deep tissue massage follows. You are then rubbed with the Boreh or herb mixture. This mixture consist of sandalwood, cloves, cinnamon, ginger, nutmeg, coriander and rice flour. This will have a warming effect on your skin. When the paste is dried, it will then be gently rubbed off. You will then be treated to a warm steam bath. This improves circulation which puts you in a state of deep relaxation. You are then left to enjoy a specially drawn floral bath.

Mandi Lulur

This treatment is originally a bridal ritual from the palaces of java. This beauty and care treatmen starts with a relaxing deep tissue massage. The body is then caked with a paste consisting of rice flour, turmeric, sandalwood and jasmine. After the paste is dried, the paste is gently rubbed off, removing your dead cells and revealing your fresh layer of new skin.

Aromatherapy massage

Ritual traditional massage is designed to relive pain. Deep body acupressure is applied to the palm, feet and scalp.A special blend of massage oil is used. Oils include lavender, cendana and jasmine.

For Information about Spa, Massage, Lulur

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Selasa, 26 Mei 2009


There are several great hiking trails in Indonesia. Guides are necessary, as trails are not as well marked, as you would find in Nepal. Our pick of great hiking include Leuser, Ujung Kulon, Baliem, Tanah Toraja, and the ever-popular Rinjani.

Bukit Lawang allows for short 4 hour jungle walks that are less strenuous. Otherwise base yourself at Gurah. The Orang Utan sanctuary is delightful. An overnight trek would mean the unforgettable experience of a night in the Sumatran jungle.

Ujung Kulon National Park

This is a UNESCO World Heritage Site. The home of the endangered one horned Javan Rhinoceros, the trails generally follow the coast of this remote corner of West Java.
You will see wild cattle, boar, monkeys, gibbons, deer, crocodile and perhaps the elusive panther. It is a bird watching haven and also offers snorkeling opportunities.

The culture of Torajans, gravesites, architecture and vibrant ceremonies invite all trekkers to stay longer than they planned. Rantepao is an excellent base and most treks start a few minutes out of the ‘city’ centre.
Batutumonga offers a dramatic perch to view Sa’Adan Valley and distant Rantepao.Londa and Lemo have extensive burial caves and tau tau.

This is one of the most popular trekking trips in Indonesia. Climbing a volcanic peak already carries a certain cache. When combined with a caldera containing a 6 km lake, hot springs, and a newly emerging volcano within a volcano, it makes for an unforgettable experience.
It is very cold at the summit and Gunung Baru ( new mountain) erupted as recently as 2004.

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Diving & Snorkeling

You are on the largest archipelago in the world. Indonesia has too many diving and snorkeling spots to list. . Many are easily accessible. PADI is well recognized and many travelers take their basic open water certification here as part of their holiday. Prices vary but count on about US$ 350 for a 4-day course. Instructors are multilingual. When choosing a dive operator, do check on their equipment. Too cheap means they are cutting corners. 2 dives cost about US$ 30 at most sites. We have listed a few dive sites that you may find interesting.

Pulau Seribu literally means a thousand islands about 17 km off the North Coast of Jakarta.There are actually only 130 islands. Many have resorts that fill up during the weekends and school holidays. Pulau Kotok offers the best diving although it pales in comparison to diving spots anywhere out of Pulau Seribu. We recommend it only if you are stuck in Jakarta and going nowhere else.

Bunaken Reef

This is a world class diving and snorkeling site. The island is part of the Bunaken Manado Tua Marine National Park. The coral drop-offs, caves and valleys are easily accessible and it is common to see large fish including rays, dolphins, shark and turtle. There is flat coral 100 m off Liang Beach that suddenly drops from 2m into black nothingness. Bunaken is close to Manado, Sulawesi.

Raja Ampat

Located in one of the remotest areas of Indonesia, Raja Ampat in Papua is magnificent. It is accessible from Sorong.
Home to newly discovered species, these are truly unspoilt and pristine. The waters are fairly sheltered and offer diving year round. Coupled with bird watching to catch the elusive birds of paradise, white sandy beaches, and the mystery of Papua, this dive spot adds spice to your diving tales back home.


Most divers end up diving in Bali. Reefs are varied, easily accessible, and competition keeps prices competitive. There are far too many dive sites to list here.
Padangbai is popular for PADI courses. Calm shallow waters and vibrant marine life only 5 minutes off shore, make it an excellent choice for beginners. The family of nurse sharks at Blue Lagoon will thrill newbie’s. Nusa Penida and Lembongan dives are run from Padangbai to catch the 2m radius flatfish Mola-mola. Manta Point is also popular.
Tulamben in the North East boasts wreck diving 101. The SS Liberty, a WW2 torpedoed ship lays in shallow waters only 10 m off the coast. The hull has broken into sections but you can easily dive through it. There is a lot of marine life, although it can get crowded with up to 50 divers during peak periods. Snorkeling here is also good.

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Keraton Yogyakarta

It might be bizarre to find an active palace in a democratic nation like Indonesia. But Kraton Yogyakarta, is the seat of reigning Sultan Hamengkubuwono X. The Sultan rules the hearts and minds of the people in Central Java and is a successful businessman and politician. Rumors are rife that he will stand for Presidential elections in 2009.

Kraton, came from the word Ka-Ratu-an, which means the living place of King/Queen. The Kraton was built by Pangeran Mangkubumi after the Giyanti Agreement, and located between two rivers to minimize flooding in wet season. The first king, Pangeran Mangkubumi, titled himself as Sri Sultan Hamengku Buwono I.
Kraton Yogyakarta also played an important role in the independence movement of Indonesia.

The palace itself is large, stretching 5km long, and 2km wide. Unfortunately, visitors are not allowed to enter the deepest recesses of the Kraton. Otherwise , you are free to wander around. The interesting small museums in the palace display emban costumes, horse carriages and the bathing pools. A tip for visitors, proper dress is compulsory to enter the palace.

You might be surprised that the palace has around 10.000 people working as Abdi Dalem or servants. They serve the royal family, and prepare for royal occasions and ceremonies.

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Sunrise Mount Bromo

Source of legends and mystic tales, the natural beauty of Bromo is inspiring. It is deservedly the principal attraction of East Java, in the district of Tengger. Bromo is an active volcano 2392m above sea level. The ancient caldera of Tengger contains Gunung Kursi and Gunung Batok. These three peaks stand in a sea of sand that is the floor of the caldera that stretches over 10 km. For dramatic effect, nature uses this vast crater wall as the foreground of yet another peak, Gunung Semeru. The scene at dawn is surreal.
Your trip begins at 3am. Ask the hotel to wake you. Taken by car or minivans to the official look out point, rent your parka and sweater, and have a hot drink before the short trudge up to the viewing platform.

You will see the caldera filled with clouds below you. Bromo’s peak will be just visible. Dawn arrives and the magic begins. The crater wall creates a false horizon giving the illusion of the sun rising close to you. As the rays peer over the crater wall, the clouds quickly dissipate leaving Bromo in a sea of sand. All the better if you catch this spectacle with Gunung Semeru erupting in the background.

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Balinese Dancer

Full make-ups, artistic costumes, impressive moves, and great performance. You can expect all this from a Balinese dance performance.

For centuries, Balinese families raised their children to blend their life with arts, including dance. Boys and girls are taught how to dance. It is part of their culture, and holds a religious significance in Hinduism rituals at the Pura. The dance is an offering to the G_ds.

The best place to watch dances are in Ubud. At show times, the faces of Balinese dancers are totally made-up. Thick powders, repainted eyebrows, bright lips, and frangipanis on their heads, give an aura of majesty and theatrics to their performances

There are several dances including Pannyembrahma, Pusparesti, Pendet, Baris, and Topeng. The most recognized is the Legong dance. Legong Kraton is a dance performed in the ancient palaces. Performed with tight but spectacular costumes, it is amazing to see dancers move in unison in stylized movements. All to the quickening rhythm of the gamelan.

Catch a night performance in an ancient Kraton. The setting will be spectacular.
Kecak is a dance where hundreds of men use their voices to accompany the retelling of the Ramayana.. Rawana kidnaps Sinta, the wife of Rama. Rama then saves his wife accompanied by Sugriwa, the king of monkeys and his monkey army. The men form a ring around costumed dancers and move hypnotically to act as backdrop, characters, and chorus. The most spectacular setting is at Tanah Lot where up to a thousand players perform at the same time.
8-40 men perform Tari Baris. It tells the story of power and courage of soldiers. The dancers use real weapons as props.

Tari Barong, is a dance using a 10-foot animal puppet, a mythical combination of lion, tiger, and cow. Despite its monstrous appearance, the Barong represents good. Its evil counterpart is the witch Rangda.

Traditional dances are always performed in rituals, and odalan ceremonies at the pura. Otherwise the daily performances at Bone, Batu Bulan and Ubud are well staged although a little commercialized.

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Borobudur is a world heritage site.It is the Angkor Wat of Indonesia. A beauty of ancient architecture, this great monument survived erupting volcanoes,terrorist bombings, the elements and remains as beautiful as when it was constructed.
It was built from 2 million blocks of stones in the form of a stupa. Viewed from the air, the structures represents a three-dimensional tantric mandala.
The intricate stone carvings on Borobudur’s walls tell the epic Ramayana. The best time to see Borobudur is at the sunset. Magical.
Alternatively, enjoy Borobudur at sunrise, which gives you the option to explore Borobodur in the cool morning before the tourist buses arrive from Jogjakarta.
Similar to Angkor Wat in Cambodia and Bagan in Myanmar, Borobudur is easily a highlight for your Indonesian Lara Croft moment.

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Adventure Indonesia

Indonesia has so much wonderfull islands to travel.
There is so much to do and so much to see. Here is our list of the best that Indonesia has to offer.
The beautiful sunset at Tanah Lot, the magnificent sunrise at Mount Bromo, the lizards at Komodo Island, the temple of Borobuddur, Palace of Yogyakarta, and the dancers of Bali.

Stay at The Losari Hotel and Villages, Vilarisi Hotel and Restaurant, Adi Dharma Cottages, Casa Padma Suites, Dhyana Pura Beach and Resort that's all is in Legian Bali.
The choice of activities is bewildering. Dive, snorkel, whitewater rafting, cycling, hiking, mountaineering, sailing, spelunking…the list is endless.
Otherwise, chill at a spa, birdwatch, or do a bit of eco tourism by visiting an orang utan rehabilitation centre.Learn Bahasa Indonesia, make your own Batik , or a short course in jewellery making. The choice isyours.
Pack your bag, choose the programs, and enjoy!

Everything about Information of Travel and Tour Indonesia.
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Travel Solutions for your Indonesian Adventure

Travel and Tour Indonesia

Everyone knows that Bali Island is the most of wonder full place in the world. Refresh your mind with amazing place to be your precious gift of your life. if you want to holiday, trip, tour, you should try to take a tour to Bali Indonesia. Feel the ambient, feel the arts, feel the ocean, every breath you take when you get there, feels so different. A million things that will make you interest and fun, you can surf, you can swim, Bali have a great beaches and hotels in the world. Most of Surfer i the world is come to Bali, Bali will give you a new experience that you will never have. You will feel it different when you cross away the Kuta Line. Bali almost have anything that you wanted to be a holiday, travel, there are a lots of place to spending a fun time. you can also bring a family or friends, even you could make a pictures about your pre wedding there, Because Bali island also have so much place for romantic things. These thing that will make you interesting to feel, The dancers ( Kecak Dance), The Sea, The Beaches, The Arts, The Furniture, The handmade,The City, The People,The Culture, The Music, The Construction of the culture is what makes you will never forget anything about Bali. So what are you waiting for? pick your holiday, pack your bags then have a trip to Bali. Enjoy your holiday in heaven island Bali, Indonesia.

Written By : Yossy Kristy

Information about Travel and Tour in Indonesia, Hotel, Reservation Room, Accomodation,Flight Ticket and everything about it.

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